2: The Church, Trimester 1: Preparing the Way

The Lion Is In The Way

An oracle is: (a) in ancient Greece, a holy place where the gods could be asked about the future; (b) the answer given often having a hidden meaning.  There are many things hidden in the way to Heaven that are hindrances and which have to be revealed.  The Lion Is In the Way is an oracle I saw of Jesus as a Lion, as a Priest and a Judge who was standing in the way disapproving of and disagreeing with our complacency in how we live. . . .(Rev. Peter Osei Akwasi Anyamesem, Chapter One:p.1).

From our first discussion, “Why is the Lion in the Way?”:

Our Trinity God designed us as Trinity beings and so our lives, too, just like the life the Church, is designed in Trinity.  For the sake our discussions, we can also study the history of the Church in terms of Trimesters.  Trimester One: When and how the Church Ecclesia began.  Trimester Two: What occurred during its development; and now, through the divine revelation of Rev. Peter Osei Akwasi Anyamesem, we shall examine the state of the Church during this last Trimester which he describes as the End-Time Church.

The Church: Before the conception of first trimester, God, in His usual meticulously elegant style, put everything in order; that is, He prepared humankind on four levels between 333 B.C. and A.D. 329.  These levels were: 1) Cultural; 2) Political; 3) Religious; 4) Philosophical; and, as Rev. Paul O. Ajah goes on to describe in his work entitled, The Church Militant © 1989 (pages 7-17), 5) Immediate.

Cultural preparation propelled the military conquering machine, Alexander the Great, into achieving such outstanding conquests so as to unite into one community all nations of the then-known world under one lingua franca, the Greek language.  In this way, the gospel was spread both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

Political preparation resulted in all the nations being ruled by one special government—the Roman government.  Thus God made it so that the then-known world was under one law and one judge.  With this system and with Roman citizenship, the gospel preachers could feel at home anywhere they went, and they had safety and peace.

Religious preparation had to mold the nation of Israel from polytheist idol-worship to monotheism, the worship of one true God.  Due to the dispersion of Jews, synagogues were built in every nation they resided in as their special place of worship and as centers for studying the word of God.   

These synagogues allowed the gospel preachers to tour the world by visiting these holy places.  And, by proclaiming the gospel through the translated Greek language Scriptures (The Septuagint), Messianic hope was revived and the written scripture was instrumental in conditioning the minds of the people to teachings and preachings about God’s will, God’s plans and God’s wonderful works.  
There was a way in which God used the philosophy of Greek thinkers such as Thales of Miletus, Pythagoras, Permenides, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, to make the world ready for the birth of both Jesus and His Church.  The clear thinking of these men, believe it or not, helped to prepare the minds of new generations to receive the gospel.

After these four preparations were set in order, finally, the greatest event of human history was introduced with John the Baptist and six months later, the birth of Jesus Christ!  John the Baptist came onto the scene and transformed not only nations of people but the nature of people into believing in the coming Christ.  The ministry of Jesus Christ was the greatest event that ever happened in Israel, if not the whole world.  The death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus ushered in the immediate founding of the Church.

And from the Immediate preparation, the physical structures of the Church were set up ushering in the initial gestation period of our Body—all . . . with one accord in prayer and supplication.  (Acts 1:14).

Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. (Acts 9:1-2).

The disciples of the Lord were known as members of “The Way”, that is, the way of Jesus Christ.  How He lived, how He taught, healed, and obeyed His Father unto crucifixion demonstrated the way our own individual and congregational lives should be today. 

How do we live in 2017, almost two thousand and twenty years later?  How do we teach or listen to God’s Word?  Are there any works of faith going before us, introducing us in our individual societies as “giver”, “healer”, “evangelist”?  Is our obedience 100% to the instructions clearly written and defined in the Bible? Which way do we live today—as the end-time Church?

The Lion Is InThe Way reminds us about God’s perfect way and man’s permissive way.  It reveals the impediments on the broad way and unveils the secrets a discerning Christian can find along the narrow way.  Finally, the author asks us, when we reach a crossroad, “How do you know which way to go?”

An oracle is: (a) in ancient Greece, a holy place where the gods could be asked about the future; (b) the answer given often having a hidden meaning.  There are many things hidden in the way to Heaven that are hindrances and which have to be revealed.  The Lion Is In the Way is an oracle I saw of Jesus as a Lion, as a Priest and a Judge who was standing in the way disapproving of and disagreeing with our complacency in how we live.

Rev. Peter Osei Akwasi Anyamesem.

In our next discussion, we shall continue our journey uncovering The Lion’s reasons for being In The Way.


It would be most helpful to journey with Rev. Anyamesem if you had a brand new copy of his book entitled THE LION IS IN THE WAY!: A Message to the Naked Church.  To place your order, please contact Patience Osei-Anyamesem on Facebook or email at godspatience@yahoo.com or jesuspatience@gmail.com.


Rev. Peter Osei Akwasi Anyamesem is a seasoned minister of Assemblies of God, Ghana; and is currently, the Head Pastor of Assemblies of God, Ghana—Philadelphia Assembly in the Ashanti Region.  He is also the Founder and Proprietor of Global Village Christian Academy Int’l School, a private Christian school dedicated to academic excellence and the winning and keeping of the souls of children and teens for Christ Jesus.  He was born on April 16, 1956 in Achinakrom, Ejisu—Ashanti Region in Ghana, West Africa.  The Lord has blessed him with a dynamic wife, Mrs. Perpetual Osei-Anyamesem, by whose assistance, he has reached his current level in his career and in his personal life.  In 1979, at the latter part of October, he confessed Christ as his personal Saviour and Lord according to John 3:1-5.  Rev. Anyamesem’s educational background includes current Masters Degree studies in Educational Psychology; Diploma in Theology from the Mid-Ghana Bible College—Assemblies of God School; Ghana Institute of Languages, Kumasi, English Proficiency Level; and graduate of Faith School of Evangelism.


The Lion Is In The Way is an oracle for today’s congregations and tomorrow’s generations.  It is a revelation about the attitude prevailing in our contemporary churches.  This revelation is concerned with the behaviour of complacency among His Church leaders; and how Jesus grieves about how His Church has gone wayward.  This book reveals to all readers, especially to the born-again who are walking in the narrow way to heaven, the warning about the consequences of backsliding.  His appearance is to correct the errors of those going wayward and bring them back to The Perfect Way in order to avoid His wrath before His second coming.  He is coming soon.

© 2017 by NarrowGateJourney, a division of PepParadise Society Ltd Publishers.  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

The Lion Is In The Way


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