6: The Church Trimester 3 (Part One): Re-Birth Pangs

The Lion Is In The Way

From our last discussion: “The Church Trimester 2: The Functionality of the Church – part 3”, we focused on how the church’s vital organs work together to keep it alive describing its functionality like the end of a 2nd Trimester marked by the assessment of how well the heart developed along with how well the lungs, kidneys and brain functioned.  We compared this trimester’s benchmarks to the Church’s vital organs, metaphorically, as its doctrine: The teaching or instruction is the heart; its five-fold ministry is the lungs; its ordinances of Baptism and Lord’s Supper are the kidneys; and its Steps to Salvation and Stages of Sanctification is the brain.

No institution is perfect on earth, especially the Church.  But it is in the Church where we get a second chance, new life, Re-Born to do the will of God and to be saved from sin and its wages.  In the Church, we receive the constant nourishment our souls need to overcome the influences of the world.  It is in the Church where we get our power to destroy the works of the enemy.  It is in the Church where we shall receive eternal life.  Jesus died for the Church to be raised up in Him.  If you cannot walk into a strong Bible-believing, Bible-preaching (teaching) and Bible-living Church because you see all the sickness in it, ask yourself: “Am I completely whole—and without sin?”1

As we discovered in our earlier conversations, the Church suffered enormous persecution from its inception in the first century with its foundation in Europe; but, more than 2000 years later, the Church has multiplied on the African continent.  Simultaneously, at the birth of the Church, came the re-birth of converted souls and both had to stand the tests, trials and tribulation of each dispensational—time period--battle.  In fact, the Church is one of the oldest institutions known to human history; but, over the years, the Church has developed symptoms that come with long-suffering—and this has affected the souls inside its Body and leaves newly repentant souls wondering just where to go to get the healing so desperately required to enter into the Heavenly Kingdom.

In Chapter 4 of THE LION IS IN THE WAY!: A Message to the Naked Church, Rev. Anyamesem shares the heart-breaking fourth and final revelation of the oracle: On my way to the house, behold, I looked and saw a lady walking toward me . . . . Her hair was braided, her face was covered with white powder, and she was dressed in a white piece of cloth that covered her from the breasts downwards.  She appeared to be my own matrimonial wife! A woman who was supposed to be a dynamic Christian turned out to be a fetish priestess.  It was the Lord’s intention to close the oracle by letting me be shocked and feel how it is for a beloved wife to turn adulterous . . . to feel how He feels for the wayward Church.  The Church is the wife of our Lord Jesus Christ (pp. 34-35).

The Church suffers under the sickness of its members’ souls, but can we still find that God-fearing Bible-believing, Bible-preaching (teaching) and Bible-living Church today? 

During the gestation period of becoming human, the 3rd Trimester bears the most visible signs: The baby’s eyes open, it gains the proper weight for living outside of the womb; it kicks, stretches, makes grasping movements; its bones harden and the baby can detect light.  It moves into its birthing position to come out head-first and bides its time until week 40 when the birth pangs push it out into a climate of light (out of darkness) and into the arms of its parents.

And so, too, does each soul that is reborn: Our eyes open to our sinful nature and we weigh how much damage our sin has caused to ourselves and to those around us.  Oftentimes that weight (of sin) is more than we can bear.  In trying to deal with our shame or guilt and regrets, we kick, and stretch a cover over its ugliness putting it under ungodly laws made by man to find security, and grasp for anything that will make us feel good—sex, unhealthy or too much food, material gadgets or fashions, etc. in total denial that sin exists instead of just repenting and calling on the name of Jesus to save our heavy-laden souls. 

It is at this time, that the Church’s Body is entrenched in one of  its fiercest  battles against the strongest of evil forces buffeting it on all sides with one aim only—to keep out repentant souls who want to become part of its members.

In our next discussion, we shall explore the seven symptoms of long-suffering which has affected the Church today, find where health can be restored and pray that the more than two billion Christians (32%) on this planet of over seven billion souls will recover and take back the Gold that has been refined by fire.

It would be most helpful to journey with me, Rev. Anyamesem, if you had a brand new copy of my book entitled THE LION IS IN THE WAY!: A Message to the Naked Church.  To place your order, please contact Patience Osei-Anyamesem on Facebook or email at godspatience@yahoo.com or jesuspatience@gmail.com.

Also, I would like to answer any questions you have about the Church or about what is happening in your personal lives.  Contact me on 233-(0)548412661.

Rev. Peter Osei Akwasi Anyamesem.


Rev. Peter Osei Akwasi Anyamesem is a seasoned minister of Assemblies of God, Ghana; and is currently, the Head Pastor of Assemblies of God, Ghana—Philadelphia Assembly in the Ashanti Region.  He is also the Founder and Proprietor of Global Village Christian Academy Int’l School, a private Christian school dedicated to academic excellence and the winning and keeping of the souls of children and teens for Christ Jesus.  He was born on April 16, 1956 in Achinakrom, Ejisu—Ashanti Region in Ghana, West Africa.  The Lord has blessed him with a dynamic wife, Mrs. Perpetual Osei-Anyamesem, by whose assistance, he has reached his current level in his career and in his personal life.  In 1979, at the latter part of October, he confessed Christ as his personal Saviour and Lord according to John 3:1-5.  Rev. Anyamesem’s educational background includes current Masters Degree studies in Educational Psychology; Diploma in Theology from the Mid-Ghana Bible College—Assemblies of God School; Ghana Institute of Languages, Kumasi, English Proficiency Level; and graduate of Faith School of Evangelism.


The Lion Is In The Way is an oracle for today’s congregations and tomorrow’s generations.  It is a revelation about the attitude prevailing in our contemporary churches.  This revelation is concerned with the behaviour of complacency among His Church leaders; and how Jesus grieves about how His Church has gone wayward.  This book reveals to all readers, especially to the born-again who are walking in the narrow way to heaven, the warning about the consequences of backsliding.  His appearance is to correct the errors of those going wayward and bring them back to The Perfect Way in order to avoid His wrath before His second coming.  He is coming soon!

© 2018 by NarrowGateJourney, a division of PepParadise Society Ltd Publishers.  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

1. Osei-Anyamesem, P. (2018, October 7).  What is Sin, Exactly? [Salvation Series]. Retrieved from www.takemyhandinspirations.blogspot.com.

The Lion Is In The Way


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