1: Why is the Lion in the Way?

The Lion Is In The Way

Why is the Lion in the Way?

Everything in life has a starting point and an end.  We all began as a fertilized egg in our mother’s cozy womb.  Five days later, we developed into a blastocyst—a unique genetic collection of cells—which would soon transform us into our embryonic state in which our internal organs and external body structures would make you and I human beings.  And all these processes, from egg to embryo, miraculously occur within in the first five weeks of pregnancy.   Now, we know it takes nine months before our fetus is pushed out of its comfort zone. 

There are three trimesters in the gestation of human beings.  That means every three months equals one of the trimesters.  In the first trimester, our Creator set up all our physical structures.  In the second trimester, God takes meticulous energy to develop our cognitive structures (our brain developes).  In the third trimester, all the final minute details of our genetic puzzle are masterfully pieced together.  Then we are ready to be introduced into the loving arms of Dad and Mom.  We are also equipped to meet the hostile socio-economic-cultural atmosphere in which we are intentionally placed to learn our life’s lessons.

Our life’s lessons are to prepare us for our life’s mission, or rather our Divine Commission as clearly described in Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-18 and Luke 24:46-49, the first three gospels of Jesus Christ.

Our Trinity God designed us as Trinity beings and so our lives, too, just like the life the Church, is designed in Trinity.  Perhaps we should look at our life according to our number of years on earth in Trimesters.  Trimester One: 0-30 years.  Trimester Two: 31-60 years (mid-life).  Trimester Three: 61 years until we are called home.  For the sake our discussions, we can also study the history of the Church in terms of Trimesters.  Trimester One: When and how the Churh Ecclesia began.  Trimester Two: What occurred during its development; and now, through the divine revelation of Rev. Peter Osei Akwasi Anyamesem, we shall examine the state of the Church during this last Trimester which he describes as the End-Time Church.

The Lion Is InThe Way is our guide to understanding the nature of our Creator God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  This book is A Message to the End-time Naked Church.  We must know how we began in order to know where we are going.  This revelation clearly identifies the internal organs, the external structures, the cognition, and the minute details of the beliefs, mannerisms and attitudes of the members of the End-time Church.  Are we heading in the right direction—heavenbound?  We shall take a bird’s eye view together as we explore the lifeline of the Church Ecclesia; and ask ourselves: “Why is the Lion in the Way?”

Thank you for traveling with us on the narrowgatejourney.blogspot.com.  It will be a most memorable voyage toward our final destination—inside the gates of heaven.

It would be most helpful to journey with Rev. Anyamesem if you had a brand new copy of his book entitled THE LION IS IN THE WAY!: A Message to the Naked Church.  To place your order, please contact Patience Osei-Anyamesem on Facebook or email at godspatience@yahoo.com or jesuspatience@gmail.com


Rev. Peter Osei Akwasi Anyamesem is a seasoned minister of Assemblies of God, Ghana; and is currently, the Head Pastor of Assemblies of God, Ghana—Philadelphia Assembly in the Ashanti Region.  He is also the Founder and Proprietor of Global Village Christian Academy Int’l School, a private Christian school dedicated to academic excellence and the winning and keeping of the souls of children and teens for Christ Jesus.  He was born on April 16, 1956 in Achinakrom, Ejisu—Ashanti Region in Ghana, West Africa.  The Lord has blessed him with a dynamic wife, Mrs. Perpetual Osei-Anyamesem, by whose assistance, he has reached his current level in his career and in his personal life.  In 1979, at the latter part of October, he confessed Christ as his personal Saviour and Lord according to John 3:1-5.  Rev. Anyamesem’s educational background includes current Masters Degree studies in Educational Psychology; Diploma in Theology from the Mid-Ghana Bible College—Assemblies of God School; Ghana Institute of Languages, Kumasi, English Proficiency Level; and graduate of Faith School of Evangelism.


The Lion Is In The Way is an oracle for today’s congregations and tomorrow’s generations.  It is a revelation about the attitude prevailing in our contemporary churches.  This revelation is concerned with the behaviour of complacency among His Church leaders; and how Jesus grieves about how His Church has gone wayward.  This book reveals to all readers, especially to the born-again who are walking in the narrow way to heaven, the warning about the consequences of backsliding.  His appearance is to correct the errors of those going wayward and bring them back to The Perfect Way in order to avoid His wrath before His second coming.  He is coming soon!

© 2017 by NarrowGateJourney, a division of PepParadise Society Ltd Publishers.  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.

The Lion Is In The Way


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